
2002-Sep: Markus & Tobias
2003-Dec: Christmas Letter
2001-Mar: Travel to Europe
2001-Jun: Steam Train
2001-Aug: Novas at Indy
2001-Dec: Birthday Party
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Grandma and I Watch a Steam Train Together
June 23, 2001 - Jason
June 23 was a special day in St. James, MO. A rare train excursion made a special trip from St. Louis to Newburg, Missouri and back. The railroad passes through the little town of St. James where my grandma lives. I was more than eager to drive the 6 hours from Chicago to St. James to pick up my grandma and sit together by the railroad tracks to watch. It turned out to be a wonderful Saturday afternoon to see this beautifully restored 1926 steam engine make it's way again on those very same tracks it did many years ago.
Here it comes! Way off in the distance, you could see the smoke appear from the train just above the horizon. You could hear the whistle blowing and the chugging get louder as it came closer. The Frisco 1522 steam train ran by very fast like it was proud to be back. People waved their hands and in second it was gone. The only thing left was the smell of smoke and steam. My grandma standing in the foreground with the purplish clothes enjoyed it very much. She said it reminded her of the old days.
1522 coming up the hill Grandma getting a good look 1522 racing past us 1522 leaving town
Grandma and I hopped in my car, and we chased it several miles to Newburg. Newburg is a very old and small railroad town nestled in the Ozark mountains that time seems to have forgot. The train was turned here to go back to St. Louis. Over 400 people from all over rode this train, one of which was my friend Paul from Florida.
Grandma riding in my Monte Carlo
Grandma rode in my official
train-chasing Monte Carlo.
Paul and Jason in Newburg
Paul and Jason
(yes, I'm eating lunch in front of everybody)
Jason and Grandma in Newburg
Jason and Grandma
(she use to teach school in this town)